慢活系列─網路靜心禪修:『結廬在人境 而無車馬喧 問君何能爾 心遠地自偏 水穿石磨流 歲月已無縱 此中有真意 欲辯卻忘言』

慢活系列─網路靜心禪修: 『結廬在人境 而無車馬喧 問君何能爾 心遠地自偏 水穿石磨流 歲月已無縱 此中有真意 欲辯卻忘言』


永遠讓同學懷念的老師: 巨煥武老師 朱堅章老師 呂春沂老師 李鍾桂老師 張京育老師 曾濟群老師 張潤書老師...

昔時篆刻碑誌留千秋 今日影音數位存萬年

2009年4月2日 星期四

Messages from Sophia, Susan, Michael,Jesse Chu, 阿蓮 and Joseph

恭喜徐博士! 这喜事是一定要开瓶酒庆祝的! ---
Congratulation to 徐博士! It deserves more than one bottle of wine for celebration. I start counting my days to be in Taiwan for this big event.
Dear Susan, Sophia, Thanks for sharing with me the exciting news among our classmates, the spectacle achievements, I am very happy for Johnsun’s amazing success.I read it twice and want to let you know, I am proud of his past few months work with us for continuing his best efforts and graces to server classmates blog., his earn the respect and honor. God loved him.
Michael Lee
Alton Ind. Inc.,61 Post, Irvine, CA 92618.Tel- 949-502-8899Fax-949-502-8898
John:Congratulations! You are able to do much more for residents of Pescarores &Taiwan as well from now on.I believe that you have delivered the news for the alumni already.
Regards,Jesse Chu
2009/4/2 Joseph Chau <yulung2@gmail.com>-
Dear All: I share the same feeling and honor with Mike Lee. Mike,I'll miss you if you can't join our reunion in Taipei!
Dear Joe,
Love to joint with you and groups of ours classmates.But I have thing need to take care in due course.Hopefully, I can meet in next round.Enjoy the party and have lots of fun. I am at dongguan now with group of clients, trying to make a dime.
Best regards Michael Lee
