寄件人Chi Lee <formosas@gmail.com>收件人hsu chiunghsin <johnsun.hsu3@gmail.com>
日期2009年2月5日 上午 11:02主旨Re: 群山默默 看盡草木枯榮 (附加檔案) ++ 心臟病發作與喝溫開
日期2009年2月5日 上午 11:02主旨Re: 群山默默 看盡草木枯榮 (附加檔案) ++ 心臟病發作與喝溫開
Hi chiunghsin, very nice to meeting u during New year vacation.i posted one book to u yesterday, pls let me know if u don't received it in due time. All the best,
Lee yung hui
p.s. because i am not skillful with typing in madaring, so i type in Engliah instead, hope u don't mind.